To get started, read the installation instructions. If you need literal LaTeX in your export: surround it with … (or …, which do the same) markers.įacilities for exporting data from Zotero ⇔ \textsuperscript if you have that option enabled (but you don’t have to if you use BibLaTeX, which has fairly good Unicode support). In your references that Bib(La)TeX won’t understand. Also, Zotero supports some simple HTML markup
To BibTeX and who cannot (yet) move to BibLaTeX, unicode is a major PITA. Zotero does all its work in UTF-8 Unicode, which is absolutely the right thing to do.
Generate citation keys based on JabRef patterns.Automatically generate citation keys without key clashes! Generate citation keys that take into account existing keys in your library even when they are not part of the items you export.Features Facilities for generating citation keys Better BibTeX (BBT) is an extension for Zotero and Juris-M that makes it easier to manage bibliographic data, especially for people authoring documents using text-based toolchains (e.g.